mirror mirror . . .

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Not There

Just saw that flick. It was confusing, but that's crazy with Cate Blanchett and Heath Ledger. It was a big mish mash. So, as usual, just stting here, drinking tea. Listening to Edith Piaf. Things are . . . normal and boring, but slightly interesting in a disgusting and foggy way. I mean, yesterday on the bus I saw this guy flaking his skin onto the muni, and that was sick. Then today I saw even worse, but I saw the same thing in this city lady last Sunday, Bay to Breakers. Also, last night I saw two movies, The Girl with the Pearl Earring and All About My Mother.

It's pretty foggy here in this city. But that's kewl, whatevs clev. I thought i had a crush on this guy, but turns out, he's a douche bag. Big surprise. The other one is gay. That's because this city is filled with gay men. I suppose there's no other news. I really miss my friends. I can't find a job. I love the weather here, but the bums kind of freak me out. If I had a good job, I would live in a different neighborhood. Not that The Mission isn't The Best, it is just kind of filthy.

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doin the best with what she got.