I have to blog this because there is no other outlet 4 my expression. And this officially means I cannot show my blog to prospective employers, but it's okay I have to
let it out, lol. Last night . . . I woke up to . . . vomit! Can you believe that? This is what went down. I was in my bed, sleepin sleepin sleepin. Woke up, I'm like what the fuck are these crumbs in my bed? And then I remembered how when we got home I made a sandwichey thing - no dins this night! And then, I find random pieces of this 'sandwich' in my room, the plate was strewn on the floor. Anyways, I peer off my bed --and vomit! Can you belive that? I just straight up puked on my floor sometime after I ate the no-chicken chicken nuggs and fell asleep. I have like
never done that! Seriously, in all my years of drinking, never have I just woken up to vomit on the floor. Sandra, what is going on with you? . . . This is one theory, because I must say, I didn't drink that much. 1 1/2 cocktails. 1 1/2 glasses of champagne. 1 1/2 glasses of wine. I honestly think that it's because the first 2 drinks were so sugary -- I was volunteering last night btw. But these drinks the bartender made me, I was like iiiiiiiiiick - so sugary! I couldn't even finish the lemon drop one. So, my theory - it was the sugar that made me sick, bc at the end of the night, I did even carry a tray of wine glasses up some stairs - that is seriously not for the drunk. Thank you to -- okay don't remember your name -- but thank you for driving me home. That was super. You were right *not okay to be walking around on 8th and Folsom in my 'state'. I hope I didn't say anything stupid on the ride home.