well, you would have been . . . if you were that LUCKY. but no, you will go on your way, through life, someday realizing what you have lost - and you have lost it. like uhm. no THIRD chances. you know that phrase - fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me? It has already been twice. so you are done. After advice I can see clearly that you are very immature, and somehow - only god knows - you've gotten some kind of hook in me, playing on an insecurity of my own, which makes me wait for your calls and your attention. But I am too grown to fall for your bullshit. And what is wrong with you anyway? Seriously wtf? How can there be such a connection. And then nothing.
It's over.
How can this make sense in your mind?
It doesn't matter now, it's not about making sense, and it's not about our connection.
What it is about is knowing that I have a certain standard, and I know the way that I deserve to be treated.
And you cannot adhere to either.
So, you are done.