mirror mirror . . .

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

what's going on with me today

laying in bed still. sometimes it's great working from home. cell phone lost! daaaaaaaaaaaaang. now what do i do? it makes it very difficult to get a job ya see. ummmmmmmmmmms had a purty good intey at a kewlo company. gonna get er! right? but for now - the temping factory ;( boo, but at leasts ill have the money in em trees. i suppose i'm in a good mood. thx to all my readers. i really love you.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

i'm miserable

some of you may know why. it's hard being an adult and bringing home the bread. i'm not giving up chk out this quote. "If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to." Tao Te Ching thank you. And to all you bitches and haterz - pcaaaaaaaaw.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

the mistakes i made today

started out @ 9 am - not time to get up! but I did, like, a little later than that.

there was some extreme retail therapy.


and no joke, it was intense. ugly?

2 pursed 2 pairs of shoes.

1 flannel.

sangria @ 3pm

basiclally, the only good thing is the cat - Chez. b/c he's just chill and does his thing. (even though I accidentally locked him out today). he is still the chillest of the day.

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doin the best with what she got.